Time Is Melting Away
Saturday, April 17th 2021 • Time to read: 3 minutes
Originally written on September 11, 2019,
I was watching the Apple keynote last night where they launched a bunch of products to help humanity move forward and empower millions of people. They repeatedly said the same thing: We want to enable people to solve their problems by providing excellent tools like the iPhone. As I watched the keynote I wondered about the kind of problems we are trying to solve. How were these problems generated in the first place?
I started reading about the prehistoric era when the homo sapiens were just another species alongside a thousand others. We lived in caves, hunted animals for food, and reproduced, just like all the other animals. We shared our hunts with others in the tribe. We were friends with the other species. We were all part of one thing called Nature. No one was above Nature. But, as our species evolved, we started creating iron weapons to hunt better than before. That was still acceptable. After all, this was the time of survival of the fittest. Animals and humans were still very much the same thing. Our basic necessities were Roti and Makaan (food and shelter).
We even started wearing animals on the skin for warmth. That was weird. Imagine killing your Golden Retriever and wearing its fur on your skin. Our basic needs added a new member: Clothing. We used trees at our disposal and created some amazing things like paper and furniture. But, our smart brains forgot one thing. We forgot to replant. Gradually, the species of humans which was originally a part of Nature began to disassociate from Nature. Humans and Nature became two separate entities.
Be it making belts out of alligator skin or disposing of chemical waste in oceans, humans have always abused their power of being the first. We have never for a second stopped and thought of the implications of our actions. We only gave excuses when asked about such things. “What can one person do when a thousand others pollute?” “I don’t have time to educate people.” “Here, let me post about it on Facebook. More likes equal more awareness, right?"
We are so advanced that we didn’t only litter on our planet and killed other species, we have started littering in space as well. With the creation of more and more satellites to dispose of in the space, we are essentially making a mess up there. Maybe, there will come a day when some satellites would collide because of congestion.
If you made it till here, then you may think that I am ranting about the evolution of humans, which, I kind of am. But, it’s not about complaining about the stupidity of humans, it’s about ego. Humans think they need to save the Earth else the Earth would perish. We don’t understand that the Earth has seen worse than mere glaciers melting. Our Earth is a veteran when it comes to handling the heat. It is we who need to survive. So, when someone says they are working hard to save the Earth, think: Does the Earth needs to be saved or us?